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Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Always say I Love You

A man and a woman had been together for 7 years and had a daughther together. One day the man had to go on a business trip to new york, The family went to the airport together. As they got the gate they said their goodbyes.

Man: Bye sweethearts, i love you both so much and i will see you in 2 weeks

Woman: Bye, have a good trip

Daughter: Bye bye daddy, see you soon!

The man gave his one last hug and walked though the gates and waving goodbye. The plane took off everything was fine. The woman went home and took her daughter ro bed. A few hours later the woman got a knock on the door and it was...

Woman: Hello

Police: Hello, are you Mrs.Hill?

Woman: Yes i am, whats happen? why are you here?

Police:  Mrs Hills we are so sorry...But there was a terrible accident involving your husband

Woman: No!! Please no!! tell me what happened?

Police:  The plane he was on had suffered a malfuction causing it to crash shortly after take off, we're sorry but everyone on board was killed

The Woman broke down falling to the floor

Woman: I didn't even tell him how much i love him

Her daughter being woken up by cries, ran downstairs...

Daughter: What's wrong mommy? why are you crying?

Woman: It's your daddy, he went to heaven today

Daughter: Daddy went to heaven? No!!! But we only saw him few hours ago!!!

The woman and her daughter sat in the middle of the halfway and cried in eachothers. The funeral took place a week later. Over 200 went. His daughter read out a poem  she wrote for her daddy.

Daddy, I love you I miss you.
I can't believe your gone but you will always live on in my heart. I'll always think of you when i look up at the stairs.
I miss you so much and I love you, daddy

The woman never got over what happened to her husband, she never told him how much she loved him before he left. Now she never get a chance to tell him. Everyday the woman and her daughther visit his grave , leaving flowers and note saying how much they love him.

Remember always say i love you to the people you love because, you never know what happened. You might not get a chance to say it again.

I Love You, those word mean so much to everyone

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